A Timeline of the Yukon Theatre

A look into the history, current operations and future prospects for one of the territory’s most iconic landmarks.

Written by Morgan Iskra and Daniel Bunn

Of the few original buildings still standing in the downtown core of Whitehorse, the Yukon Theatre is arguably the most iconic. From its vintage neon sign, to the old rickety seats, and the one-of-a-kind retro carpet that’s imprinted in most Yukoners’ memories, this theatre is an honorable part of the city’s history.

We got the opportunity to ask Andrew Connors, the artistic director of the Yukon Film Society, a few questions about the classic building since YFS took it over in 2021. As Andrew shared, the restoration of the theatre hasn’t been without its fair share of challenges, but there are many eager and passionate people working on reviving the once-shining gem of a theatre.

Let’s look at the history of this local cinema, where it’s at today, and what plans the film society has for it in the future.

“Running an independent cinema in 2023, in a town of 32,000 people, is a public service.”